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(1) 高压交/直流电缆及附件绝缘性能强化理论与应用
(2) 聚丙烯环保型电缆绝缘技术及应用
(3) 超导电缆低温绝缘特性与绝缘结构设计关键技术
(4) 高压交/直流电缆输电系统智能化状态监测与运维关键技术
(1) 2021.01-2024.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “基于聚集态结构的聚丙烯直流电缆绝缘电气和力学性能协同调控(52077148)”,项目负责人
(2) 2022.01-2024.12 云南省重大科技专项 “额定电压26/35kV及以下节能环保型聚丙烯绝缘电力电缆关键技术研究”,课题负责人
(3) 2020.01-2022.12 中国科协青年人才托举工程项目 “高压直流电缆绝缘基础性研究(YESS20200270)”,项目负责人
(4) 2020.01-2023.12 国家自然科学基金-智能电网联合基金重点项目 “高压直流金属化薄膜电容器绝缘失效机理与抑制方法研究(U1966203)”,主要参与人
(5) 2021.06-2022.12 电网环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金 “高压交流电缆交联聚乙烯绝缘挤出流变特性与调控方法”,项目负责人
(6) 2018.01-2020.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金 “高压直流电缆附件电场分布与界面电荷特性协同调控机理研究(51707133)”,项目负责人
(7) 2018.07-2021.06 国家重点研发计划智能电网重大专项 “超导直流能源管道基础研究—混合工质温区超导和绝缘材料特性与本体技术(2018YFB0904403)”,子课题负责人
(8) 2016.01-2020.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目 “高压直流电缆附件绝缘老化与破坏机理及抑制方法研究(51537008)”,主要参与人
(9) 2019.09-2020.12 先进输电技术国家重点实验室开放基金 “多场作用下热塑性电缆绝缘料的电树枝生长机理、抑制方法及长期老化寿命分析”,项目负责人
(10) 2020.08-2021.10 中国电力科学研究院 “交联聚乙烯绝缘料焦烧反应动力学及焦烧产生积聚特性”,项目负责人
(11) 2016.07-2020.06 国家重点研发计划智能电网重大专项 “±500kV直流电缆绝缘设计基础(2016YFB0900701)”,项目骨干
(12) 2019.10-2020.12 中国电力科学研究院 “500kV海缆修理接头硅橡胶绝缘与密封胶渗透特性及介电性能演变”,项目负责人
(13) 2018.05-2019.11 中国博士后基金 “超导电缆终端电场自适应性非线性复合绝缘设计方法研究(2018M631739)”,项目负责人
(14) 2014.09-2018.08 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划) “大容量直流电缆输电和管道输电关键基础研究——多场耦合作用下固体绝缘介质空间电荷和电导特性研究(2014CB239501)”,主要参与人
[1] 杜伯学,李忠磊,李进,韩涛.高压直流电缆附件绝缘[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2020. ISBN: 9787030645975.
[2] Zhonglei Li, B. X. Du, Y. T. Zhao and T. Han. (2021) Semi-conductive Polymer Composites for Power Cables. In Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering (eds X. Y. Huang and T. Tanaka). IEEE Press & Wiley, USA. ISBN: 9781119719601.
[3] Zhonglei Li, Du B., Yang Z., Han C., Su J. (2021) Conduction and Charge Transport Characteristics of Silicone Rubber Composites with Nonlinear Conductivity. In: Du B. (eds) Polymer Insulation Applied for HVDC Transmission. Springer, Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-15-9730-5.
[4] Zhonglei Li. (2021) Space charge characteristics of polypropylene-laminated-paper insulation for HTS DC cables by direct-current-integrated-charge method. In: Jianxun JIN. (eds) APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ELECTROMAGNETIC DEVICES - TUTORIAL LECTURES. HTS World. ISBN: 978-0-9875779-5-5.
[1] Zhonglei Li, M. S. Fan, S. F. Zhou, B. X. Du*. BNNS Encapsulated TiO2 Nanofillers Endow Polypropylene Cable Insulation with Enhanced Dielectric Performance[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2021, 28(4): 1238 - 1246. SCI检索/2区
[2] B. X. Du, Y. Zhang, T. Han and Zhonglei Li*. Temperature Gradient Affecting Electrical Tree in Silicone Rubber under Impulse Superimposed on DC Voltage. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2021, 28(5): 1480-1487. SCI检索/2区
[3] Boxue Du, Yimeng Li, Chenlei Han, Tao Han, Zhonglei Li*. Graphene Nanoplatelets and Temperature Gradient Affecting Electrical Tree in Graphene/SiR Nanocomposites[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2021, 28(4): 1255 - 1263. SCI检索/2区
[4] Boxue Du, Chong Han, Zhonglei Li*. Effect of Mechanical Stretching on Nonlinear Conductivity and Dielectrics Breakdown Strength of SiR/SiC Composites[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2021, 28(3): 996-1004. SCI检索/2区
[5] Boxue Du, Guanfei Zhao, Zhonglei Li*, Chenlei Han. Effects of Harmonic Component on Electrical Tree in EPDM for HVDC Cable Accessories Insulation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2021, 28(2): 578-585. SCI检索/2区
[6] Zhonglei Li*, Z. Zhang, T. Han, B. Du, J. Li and L. Zhang. Effect of Harmonic Voltage On Partial Discharge Properties of LN2/PPLP Insulation for HTS DC Cable[J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2021, 31(8): 1-4, Art no. 7800304. SCI检索/3区
[7] Boxue Du, Chong Han, Zhonglei Li*, et al. Effect of polarity‐reversal voltage on charge accumulation and carrier mobility in silicone rubber/silicon carbide composites [J]. IET Science Measurement & Technology, 2021, 15(2): 184–192. SCI检索/3区
[8] Boxue Du, Chang Liu, Zhonglei Li*, Chenlei Han, Zhaohao Hou. Effects of Hindered Phenolic Antioxidants on Space Charge and Breakdown Properties of Polypropylene[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2021, 28(1): 124-132. SCI检索/2区
[9] T. Han, X. Zhao, Y. Yao, Z. Zhang and Zhonglei Li*. "Effect of Electrical Aging On PPLP Insulation Characteristics in LN2," in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2021, 31(8): 1-4, Art. no. 7800404. SCI检索/3区
[10] Zhenpeng Zhang, Heyu Wang, Zhonglei Li*, et al. Molecule diffusion behaviours of waterproof sealants into silicone rubber insulation for submarine cable joint based on molecular dynamics simulations[J]. High Voltage, 2020: 6(2): 230-241. SCI检索/1区
[11] Z. H. Hou, B. X. Du, Zhonglei Li* and J. Li, Effects of radical scavenger on space charge accumulation of PP/ULDPE composites for HVDC cable insulation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2020, 27(3): 989-997. SCI检索/2区
[12] Zhonglei Li*, R. Huang, B. Du and T. Han, Electric-Field- and Temperature-Dependent Nonlinear Conductivity of SiC/Epoxy Resin Composites at Cryogenic Temperature [J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2020, 30 (8): 7700606. SCI检索/3区
[13] Du B X , Hou Z H , Li Z L*, et al. Temperature dependent space charge and breakdown strength of PP/ULDPE/graphene nanocomposites for HVDC extruded cable insulation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2019, 26(3):876-884. SCI检索/2区
[14] Boxue Du, Z. R. Yang, Zhonglei Li*, Jin Li. Nonlinear Conductivity and Charge Transport Characteristics of Silicone Rubber/SiC Composites under Impulses and DC Superimposing Voltage[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2019, 26(3): 776-783. SCI检索/2区
[15] Boxue Du, Z. R. Yang, Zhonglei Li*, Jin Li. Temperature-dependent Charge Property of Silicone Rubber/SiC Composites under Lightning Impulse Superimposed DC Voltage[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2019, 26(3): 810-817. SCI检索/2区
[16] Zhonglei Li*, Zhuoran Yang, Yunqi Xing, et al. Improving the Electric Field Distribution in Stress Cone of HTS DC Cable Terminals by Nonlinear Conductive Epoxy/ZnO Composites [J]. IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity, 2019, 29(2): 7000305. SCI检索/3区
[17] Zhonglei Li*, Zhuoyan Zhong, Boxue Du. Dielectric relaxation and trap-modulated DC breakdown of polypropylene blend insulation [J]. Polymer, 2019, 24: 121935. SCI检索/2区
[18] Zhonglei Li*, Mingsheng Fan, Zhuoyan Zhong, Boxue Du. Coupling Effect of Molecular Chain Displacement and Carrier Trap Characteristics on DC Breakdown of HDPE/LDPE Blend Insulation [J]. Polymers, 2020, 12(3), 589. SCI检索/2区
[19] Zhonglei Li*, S. Zhou, B. Du*, M. Fan and J. Su. Effect of Crystalline Morphology on Electrical Tree Growth Characteristics of High-Density and Low-Density Polyethylene Blend Insulation [J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 114413-114421. SCI检索/3区
[20] Zhonglei Li*, Z. R. Yang, B. X. Du. Surface Charge Transport Characteristics of ZnO/Silicone Rubber Composites under Impulse Superimposed on DC Voltage [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 3008-3017. SCI检索/2区
[21] Zhonglei Li, B. X. Du*. Polymeric insulation for high-voltage dc extruded cables: challenges and development directions[J]. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 2018, 34(6): 30-43. (Feature Article) (SCI:000448523700005)
[22] Zhonglei Li, Boxue Du*, Wang Li. Evaluation of high-voltage AC cable grounding systems based on the real-time monitoring and theoretical calculation of ground[J]. IET High Voltage, 2018, 3(1): 38-43. (SCI:000428173900005)
[23] Zhonglei Li*, B. X. Du, Z. R. Yang and C. L. Han. Temperature Dependent Trap Level Characteristics of Graphene/LDPE Nanocomposites[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2018, 25(1): 137-144. (SCI:000448523700005)
[24] Zhonglei Li*, B. X. Du, Z. R. Yang and Jin Li. Effects of Crystal Morphology on Space Charge Transportation and Dissipation of SiC/Silicone Rubber Composites[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(4): 2616-2625. (SCI:000411003700076)
[25] Zhonglei Li*, Zhuoyan Zhong, Boxue Du. Dielectric relaxation and trap-modulated DC breakdown of polypropylene blend insulation [J]. Polymer, 2019, 185: 121935. (SCI:000501721600013)
[26] Jingang Su, B. X. Du*, Tao Han, Zhonglei Li*, Meng Xiao, Jin Li*. Multistep and Multiscale Electron Trapping for High-Efficiency Modulation of Electrical Degradation in Polymer Dielectrics[J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(12): 7045-7053. (SCI:000463115500011)
[27] Jingang Su, B. X. Du*, T Han, J Li*, Zhonglei Li*, M Xiao. Nanoscale-trap-modulated electrical degradation in polymer dielectric composites using antioxidants as voltage stabilizers[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 23(4): 2353-2360. (SCI:000498274700007)
[28] Zhonglei Li*, R. J. Huang, B. X. Du and Tao Han. Electric-field- and Temperature-dependent Nonlinear Conductivity of SiC/Epoxy Resin Composites at Cryogenic Temperature [J]. IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity, 2020, 30(8): 7700606(SCI:000498274700007)
[29] Zhonglei Li*, Zhuoran Yang, Yunqi Xing, et al. Improving the Electric Field Distribution in Stress Cone of HTS DC Cable Terminals by Nonlinear Conductive Epoxy/ZnO Composites [J]. IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity, 2019, 29(2): 7000305. (SCI:000454948900001)
[30] Zhonglei Li*, Z. R. Yang, B. X. Du. Surface Charge Transport Characteristics of ZnO/Silicone Rubber Composites under Impulse Superimposed on DC Voltage [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 3008-3017. (SCI:000456017500001)
[31] Zhonglei Li*, Jingang Su*, Boxue Du*, Zhaohao Hou and Chenlei Han. Inhibition Effect of Graphene on Space Charge Injection and Accumulation in Low-Density Polyethylene[J]. Nanomaterials, 2018, 8: 956. (SCI:000451316100091)
[32] Zhonglei Li*, Mingsheng Fan, Zhuoyan Zhong, Boxue Du. Coupling Effect of Molecular Chain Displacement and Carrier Trap Characteristics on DC Breakdown of HDPE/LDPE Blend Insulation [J]. Polymers, 2020, 12(3), 589. (SCI:000525952000088)
[33] Zhonglei Li, B. X. Du*, Chenlei Han, Hang Xu. Trap Modulated Charge Carrier Transport in Polyethylene/Graphene Nanocomposites[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 4015. (SCI检索:000403841100021)
[34] J. Su, Boxue Du, M. Tian, X. Kong, J. Li, Zhonglei Li*, W Zhu, M Xiao. Effects of Antioxidant Additives on Electrical Tree Characteristics in EPDM Under Liquid Nitrogen[J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2019, 29 (2), 7701105. (SCI:000458188100001)
[35] B. X. Du, Chenlei Han, Zhonglei Li*, Jin Li. Effect of Graphene Oxide Particles on Space Charge Accumulation in LDPE/GO Nanocomposites[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2018, 25(4): 1479-1486. (SCI:000441931200040)
[36] Boxue Du, Z. R. Yang, Zhonglei Li*, Jin Li. Nonlinear Conductivity and Charge Transport Characteristics of Silicone Rubber/SiC Composites under Impulses and DC Superimposing Voltage[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2019, 26(3): 776-783. (SCI:000470067800015)
[37] Boxue Du, Z. R. Yang, Zhonglei Li*, Jin Li. Temperature-dependent Charge Property of Silicone Rubber/SiC Composites under Lightning Impulse Superimposed DC Voltage[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2019, 26(3): 810-817. (SCI:000470067800019)
[38] B. X. Du, C. L. Han, Zhonglei Li*, J. Li. Improved DC Conductivity and Space Charge Characteristics of XLPE for HVDC Cable Application: Effect of Voltage Stabilizers[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 66576-66583. (SCI:000471052900001)
[39] Z. H. Hou, B. X. Du, Zhonglei Li*, J. Li. Effects of radical scavenger on space charge accumulation of PP/ULDPE composites for HVDC cable insulation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2020, 27(3): 989-997. (SCI: 000538036200034 )
[40] B. X. Du*, Zhonglei Li, Z. R. Yang. Field-dependent Conductivity and Space Charge Behaviors of Silicone Rubber/SiC Composites[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(5): 3108-3116. (SCI)
[41] B. X. Du*, Zhonglei Li, J. Li. Effects of direct fluorination on space charge accumulation in HTV silicone rubber[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(4): 2353-2360. (SCI)
[42] 李忠磊, 王赫宇, 范铭升, 周硕凡, 杜伯学. 机械拉伸对聚丙烯绝缘空间电荷与击穿特性的影响研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2022,42(11):4255-4266.
[43] 李忠磊, 赵宇彤, 韩涛, 杜伯学. 高压电缆半导电屏蔽材料研究进展与展望[J].电工技术学报,2022,37(09):2341-2354.
[44] 杜伯学, 李忠磊, 周硕凡, 范铭升.聚丙烯高压直流电缆绝缘研究进展与展望[J].电气工程学报,2021,16(02):2-11.
[45] 刘畅, 李忠磊, 周硕凡, 范铭升, 杜伯学. 硫代受阻酚复合抗氧剂对聚丙烯直流电缆绝缘空间电荷与直流预压击穿特性的影响[J].电气工程学报,2021,16(02):42-49.
[46] 杨卓然, 杜伯学, 李忠磊, 韩冲, 张程. 极性反转电压下非线性电导硅橡胶复合材料电荷积聚特性[J].中国电力,2020,53(09):150-156+165.
[47] 徐航,杜伯学,李进,李忠磊.聚丙烯/弹性体复合材料机械与空间电荷特性[J].高电压技术,2019,45(10):3214-3220.
[48] 杜伯学,李忠磊*,杨卓然,李进.高压直流交联聚乙烯电缆应用与研究进展[J].高电压技术,2017,43(2):344-354.(《bet365官网》年度十佳论文,EI检索: 20170903401249)
[49] 杨卓然, 李忠磊, 李进, 杜伯学. 硅橡胶/SiC复合材料非线性电阻及电荷输运特性[J].中国电机工程学报,2016,36(24):6647-6653+6917.
[50] 李忠磊*,韩晨磊,赵伟铭,杜伯学.基于等温表面电位衰减法的氧化石墨烯/低密度聚乙烯纳米复合材料陷阱分布特性[J].高电压技术,2017,43(11):3583-3590.(中国电机工程学会优秀论文,EI检索:20180304650000)
[1] 李忠磊, 范铭升, 杜伯学. 一种氮化硼纳米片包覆纳米二氧化钛核壳结构填料及其制备方法,用途, ZL201910997974.4[P]. 2021.5.25.
[2] 于凡,李忠磊, 周硕凡, 杨威, 杜伯学, 范铭升, 王赫宇. 一种电树枝劣化实验用的热塑性绝缘样品制备方法, ZL202010397598.8[P]. 2022.6.10
[3] 李忠磊,周硕凡,杜伯学,韩涛,范铭升,王赫宇. 基于泄露电流积分电荷的电缆绝缘电树枝劣化检测方法,ZL2020108587480[P].
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